Zahava Ben


“They say when you die and go to Heaven all the dogs and cats you've ever had in your life come running to meet you. Until that day, rest in peace.”

"Thou art the Great Cat, the avenger of the gods,
And the judge of words
And the president of the sovereign chiefs
And the governor of the Holy Circle
Thou art indeed,
The Great Cat.

-Inscription from pharaohs' tombs at Thebes, Egypt

Sparkle – the cat that sat on the Shabbat kitchen table , every Shabbat - waiting for treats that he always got.

"there is no trouble from which a cat can't exhume itself from by using a little timely purring."

"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals."

-Immanuel Kant

Thanks to the soothing, the bliss
We seemed to understand each other.
We had crossed our species' boundaries
And had found the common center in each other
Where all creatures rest.

-Elizabeth Marshall Thomas

In Brazil they say that when your animal friend leaves you, they are going to a place where they can protect you from something…

"Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains un-awakened"

Anatole France

So, it's done. My first Friday night without Sparks. Ironically it is the last time I saw him being beautiful and alive. I don't know exactly when he died but from his body I think it was either Friday or Saturday.

Friday sunsets are usually a special time of peace and tranquility. Cooking activity was always a trigger for Sparks and he was always there, on the table watching the action, sitting like a prince, neat, contained, eyes flashing. He knew the special treats coming his way.

I wanted to mark this sundown with a special tribute to him, make it for him, focus on him. In this usually tranquil place I had to face many disturbances tonight....unusual amount of people around, movement, noise, everything that could possibly disturb, disturbed. I did however, mark the moment I saw him last. I went to the place and said goodbye. Not too many tears but they have now started as I wrote that last sentence.

My disbelief and shock has settled on this concept; I always assumed I would watch him age gracefully until the end. He came into my life as a tiny bundle of what seemed like black fuzz of hair....almost like an electric volt - this is where his name originates from. He grew into a sleek, long-legged ray of sunshine. I saw him mature, become a proud and beautiful creature.......and now the tears are blurring my vision.........

Sparkle lived in many places. Born in Israel, sent 'unaccompanied' to Argentina then Mexico then France (to his beloved house and 'jungle') then home to Israel where he was taken. Irony. Angry irony beginning. Each time he moved, under the bed gave him peace for a few days and then.......out to explore! I was always so afraid he would find difficulty adjusting. Not that prince, no! Apartment or French jungle, it didn't matter. He was out, about and king of the world.

About a week before he died, a strange white cat appeared. There are lots of people-less cats around here. She was obviously a friend of one of my "restaurant" cats - the 2 who are fed by me outside. I felt something bad from her at the time, don't know why. When I found Sparks I also found her body about 5 meters away. 5 meters further was a white dog with a collar.

I wish you all a peaceful weekend. To those who have recently lost, I wish you strength and comfort. I wrote here before that I had never heard of the Rainbow Bridge before finding this wonderful site. My little boy is playing there with his partner, Fu. I'm not afraid to go there anymore.

(Pet Loss Support Forum 17 August 2007)

And in Hebrew we say: "Sparks, ata tamid iti, tamid be mucach sheli. Ata haser lanu meod. Toda bishvil ma she notata lanu be haim shel'ha. Toda haver ha hi tov sheli."

("Sparks, you are forever here, always in my mind. You are missed. Thank you for what you gave us in your life. Thank you my best friend.")


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