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They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance.
His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass,
his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when
you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion,
never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face;
your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet,
so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together.
Pankanli's dog Pandora, grew very ill and went to join Loki.
She talked with her Grandfather about the happy times all the animals had at the Bridge.
How well they felt as they played, healthy and happy.
Ayiana helped her to draw pictures, plant flowers, and send up prayers for Pandora.
She was content with the fact that one day they would all be together again.
One day another dog ,Spartacus, became ill.
He was the puppy of Loki and Pandora making him very special to her.
Grandfather again told them of the Rainbow Bridge
and Ayiana was happy but Pankanli was older now and questioned whether there really was a Rainbow Bridge.
One night she had a dream that showed her what she must do.
She told Ayiana that she was going to find the Rainbow Bridge
and when her cousin asked to come with she told her,
most reluctantly, that she could.
She hesitated because she was not sure where her quest would lead.
They packed some food and clothes and planned for their secret journey.
They had to be ready for only after a rainfall would there be a rainbow to guide them.
One day it rained-the wind howled and she waited. She told her cousin that the time was coming soon.
And as sure as Spring follows Winter, when the sun came out she saw a beautiful rainbow fill the sky.
They grabbed their things and left quickly, not wanting anyone to know they had gone.
But one did. Grandfather, always watching and knowing, saw and sent his great white wolf to follow and protect them.
They wandered for hours until things started to look familiar and Pankanli became alarmed
that they were going in circles and would never find their way.
She didn’t say anything, not wanting to scare her little cousin.
It soon became dark and they should have returned home because they knew that they would be missed.
But by now they were really lost and the rainbow they were following was gone.
Ayiana started to cry but Pankanli assured her that this was part of the plan
and they would find the Rainbow Bridge in the morning. She found a cave and made a fire.
They ate their food and fell asleep huddling close as the sounds of the night in the forest frightened them.
Unknown to them, the mystical white wolf had been carefully following them,
and as they slept he lay by the cave entrance to protect them.
They awoke to thunder and lightning and knew real fear,
being alone in the woods away from their family and friends.
When suddenly the white wolf came in the cave and lay down by them and they slept feeling safe now that he was near.
Morning came and with it the sun, and a giant rainbow filled the sky again.
The white wolf motioned for them to follow him and trusting him they did.
This time as they walked they saw a glow like nothing they had ever seen
Rainbow colors lit up the sky . Then to their total amazement they saw a beautiful stairway of gold and jewels winding up through the sky
and the clouds as if it were going straight up to heaven.
On the uppermost cloud peeking down were Magoo, Shezam, Mutzy,
Brandy, Loki, and Pandora.
Overjoyed they started to climb the stairs but the white wolf wouldn’t allow them to pass.
It was as if he were saying that this was not their time.
They turned and followed the wolf back to the clearing.
Eagerly they searched for Grandfather to tell him of their grand adventure and what they had found.
He sat them down and listened intently to their tale.
Then he turned to the big white wolf, and in wolf language,
whispered,” Well done my old friend.” The wolf smiled.
It came to pass that Spartacus became even sicker and one night as Grandfather and Pankanli held him in their arms,
he looked deeply into Pankanli's eyes as if to say," I love you. Do not grieve for me."
He looked into Grandfather's eyes too and then he slowly closed his eyes as if he were sleeping.
They saw him smile and knew he would wait there with his family until the day the road curved around
and the time came for them to go up the rainbow stairs and join him.
The white wolf smiled for he knew of the wonders that Spartacus would see.
Pankanli was happy that he was free from all the pain but she started to cry.
Grandfather gently laid Spartacus down and covered him up with the special blanket.
Pankanli had woven for himand took Pankanli into his arms.
Pankanli sobbed in Grandfather's arms for although she knew he would be happy and healthy again she knew how much she would miss having him here with her.
Grandfather held her in his arms and gently stroked her hair wishing there were some way he could shield her from the pain of losing loved ones,
but he knew in his heart that there wasn't.
A tear rolled down his cheek and the White Wolf saw it and cried too.
They cried for the day that they too would cause heartache to their loved ones
when it became time for them to climb the stairs to the Rainbow Bridge.
Written by: Carol Ross-2005-2006